Sushruta was born in 600 BC. He is known as the father of Indian surgery.He was the writer of the first book of surgery ‘Sushruta Samhita’. He was a skilled anaesthetist who gave medicated wine to patients to numb their senses before a surgery. He was also the first to perform a caesarean operation. He discovered the art of cataract crouching.
2. J.C. BOSE
Jagadish Chandra Bose was born on November 30 1858. He proved that much like human beings, plants too respond to pain. He conducted research on electophysiology of excitation in plant and animal tissues. Bose devised several precision instruments for research. He established the Bose Insitute at kolkata.
3. P.C. RAY
Prafulla chandra Ray Was born on August 2 1861. He wa the father of Indian Chemical industry. He was a promoter of chemical education and chemical reasearch. From waste cattle bones he prepared phosphate of soda crystals. In 1896 he discovered mercurous nitrate.
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was born on November 7, 1888. C.V. Raman is renowned for his discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ in 1928., for which he got Nobel prize in 1930. He conducted reseach on molecular refraction of light, colour of flowers and plants, diffraction of X-rays and physics of crystals. HE was the founder director of Raman Research Institute, Bangalore.
He was born on october 6, 1893. HE presented the ‘Ionisation Formula’. Which explains the importance of spectra lines in spectrum. HE investigated on the theory of relativity, thermal ionisation of atoms, theory of solar corona, etc. The ‘Saha Eqution’ relating to stellar spectra is considered India’s precious gift to science in 20th century. He founded the National Academy of Sciences and the National Institute of Sciences.
He was born on January 1, 1894 at kolkata. He was a renowned physicist who along with Albert Einstein formulated a general ststistics of quantum system called ‘Bose-Einstein ststistics’. He modified Planck’s Law of quantum theory and the theory of relativity. He conducted research on X-ray spectroscopy and unified field theory.
He was born on february 21, 1894. He conducted research on emulsions and colloids. He rasearched to make wax odourless, to refine kerosene, to increse flame height aand to make petroleum waste in the oil industry. In his memory, the “Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize”, for Science and Technology, is given every year.