Thursday, August 21, 2008


Q.1: In an experiment to test the pH of a given sample using pH paper, four students
recorded the following observations:
Sample Taken pH paper colour turned to
I Water Blue
II Dilute HCl Red
III Dilute NaoH Blue
IV Dilute Ethanoic Acid Orange
Which one of the above observations is incorrect?
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV

Q.2: Four students were given colourless liquids A, B, C, of water, Lemon Juice and
a mixture of water and lemon juice respectively. After testing these liquids with pH
paper, following sequences in colour change of pH paper were reported:
I Blue, Red and Green
II Orange, Green and Green
III Green, Red and Red
IV Red, Red and Green
The correct sequence of colours observed is
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV

Q.3: A Student tested the pH of distilled water using pH paper and observed green
colour. After adding a few drops of dilute NaOH solution, the pH was tested again.
The colour change now observed would be
1. Blue
2. Green
3. Red
4. Orange

Q.4: Four solutions I, II, III, and IV were given to a student to test their acidic or
basic nature by using a pH paper. He observed that the colour of pH paper turned to
Red, Blue, Green and Orange respectively when dipped in four solutions.
The correct conclusion made by the statement would be that:
1. I, II and III are acidic.
2. I and IV are acidic.
3. II, III and IV are basic
4. II and IV are basic

Q.5: A student was given four unknown colourless samples labeled A, B, C and D
and asked to test their pH using pH paper. He observed that the colour of pH paper
turned to light green, dark red, light orange and dark blue with samples A, B, C and D
The correct sequence of increasing order of the pH value for samples is
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B
Q.6: A blue litmus paper was first dipped in dil. HCl and then in dil. NaOH
solution. It was observed that the colour of the litmus paper
1. Changed to red
2. Changed first to red and then to Blue
3. Changed blue to colourless
4. Remained blue in both the solutions.

Q.7: A Student added dilute HCl to a test tube containing Zinc Granules and made
following observations:
I The Zinc surface became dull and black.
II A gas evolved which burnt with a pop sound
III The solution remained colourless
The correct observations are:
1. I and II
2. I and III
3. II and III
4. I, II and III

Q.8: A dilute solution of sodium carbonate was added to two test tubes – one
containing dil HCl (A) and the other containing dilute NaOH (B).
The correct observation was
1. A brown coloured gas librated in test tube A.
2. A brown coloured gas librated in test tube B.
3. A colourless gas librated in test tube A.
4. A colourless gas librated in test tube B.

Q.9: A student added dilute NaOH to a test tube containing Zinc granules and heated
the contents. It was observe that
1. A colourless gas evolved.
2. Bubbles started rising up in the test tube.
3 Solution remained colourless and transparent.
4. Zinc granules became red.

Q.10: Four Students I, II, III and IV were asked to examine the changes for blue and
red litmus paper strips with dilute HCl ( solution A) and dilute NaoH ( solution B).
The following observations were reported by the four students. The sign (−)
indicating no colour change.
Litmus A B Litmus A B Litmus A B Litmus A B
Blue − Red Blue Red − Blue Red Red Blue Blue Blue
Red − Blue Red − Blue Red Blue Blue Red Red Red
The correct observation would be of the student
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
Q.11: Given below are the observations reported by four students I, II, III and IV for
the changes observed with dilute HCl or dilute NaoH and different materials.
Material Dil. HCl Dil. NaoH
(I) Moist Litmus paper Blue – Red Red to Blue
(II) Zinc Metal React at room
Does not react at room
(III) Zinc Metal on
Liquid becomes milky Remains clear and
(IV) Solid sodium
No reaction Brisk effervescence
The incorrectly reported observation is :
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV

Q.12: When a student added Zinc granules to dilute HCl, a colourless and odourless
gas was evolved, which was tested with a burning match stick, it was observed that:
1. The match stick continued to burn brilliantly.
2. The match stick burnt slowly with a blue flame.
3. The match stick extinguished and the gas burnt with pop sound.
4. The match stick burnt with an orange flame.

Q.13: The colour of concentrated solution of potassium dichromate in water is
1. Orange
2. Green
3. Purple
4. Blue

Q.14: The odour of sulphur dioxide gas is
1. Pungent
2. Odourless
3. Sweet Smelling
4. Foul Smelling

Q.15: A student mistakingly used a wet gas jar to collect sulphur dioxide. Which one
of the following tests of the gas is likely to fail?
1) Odour
2) Effect on acidified k2Cr2O7 solution
3) Solubility test
4) Effect on litmus paper

Q.16: After preparing sulphur dioxide gas in the laboratory, students are advised not
to throw the hot contents of the flask into the sink because the content would
1) damage the sink.
2) react violently with water in the sink.
3) cause pollution.
4) poisonous fumes.

Q.17: A student added zinc granules to copper sulphate solution taken in a test tube.
Out of the following. The correct observation(s) made by of the student will be
I. Zinc granules have no regular shape.
II. Zinc granules have silvery grey colour.
III. The colour of zinc granules changed to brownish black.
1) I only
2) II only
3) III only
4) I, II and III

Q.18: Four strips labelled A,B,C and D along with their corresponding colours are
shown below. Which of these could be made up of aluminum?
Reddish Dark Blackish Silvery
Brown Grey Grey White
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D

Q.19: A copper sulphate solution is added to a test tube containing a cleaned iron nail.
The correct description regarding the deposition of copper on the iron nail would be
that it starts depositing.
1) at the tip of the nail.
2) from the head of the nail.
3) in the middle of the nail.
4) anywhere on the nail.

Q.20: A student is asked to add a tea spoon full of solid sodium bicarbonate to a test tube containing approximately 3 mL of acetic acid. He observed that the solid sodium
1) floats on the surface of acetic acid.
2) remains suspended in the acetic acid.
3) Settles down in the test tube.
4) reacts with acetic acid and a clear solution is obtained.

Q.21: The chemical used for carrying out the starch test on a leaf is :
1) Iodine crystals
2) Iodine powder
3) Iodine solution

Q.22: 5g of raisins were placed in distilled water for 24 hours. The weight of soaked
raisins was found to be 7g. The correct percentage of water observed by raisins is
1) 20 %
2) 25 %
3) 40 %
4) 45 %

Q.23: A student covered a leaf from a destarched plant with a black paper strip and
kept it in the garden outside his house in fresh air. In the evening, he tested the
covered portion of the leaf for presence of starch. The student was trying to show that
1) CO2 is given out during respiration
2) CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis
3) Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
4) Light is necessary for photosynthesis

Q.24: The best results for the experiment, that light is necessary for photosynthesis,
would be yielded by using leaves from a plant kept for over twenty four hours
1) in a pitch dark room
2) in a dark room with the table lamp switched on.
3) outside in the garden
4) outside in the garden, covered by a glass case.

Q.25: The correct sequence, out of the following options, for focusing a slide of
epidermal peel of a leaf under a microscope to show the stomatal apparatus is
I. Observe under low power.
II. Adjust mirror to get maximum light.
III. Place the slide on the stage.
IV. Focus under high power
1. II, III, I, IV
2. I, II, III, IV
3. III, II, IV, I

Q.26: The part of leaf commonly used for preparing the slide of stomata is
1) leaf margin
2) leaf apex
3) leaf epidermis
4) leaf peliole

Q.27: A student wanted to decolourise a leaf. He should boil the leaf in
1) alcohol
2) water
3) KoH solution
4 glycerine
4. III, II, IV, I

Q.28: In order to prepare a temporary mount of a leaf peel of observing stomata, the
chemicals used for staining and mounting respectively are
1) Saffranin and glycerine
2) lodine and glycerine
3) lodine and saffranin
4) glycerine and saffranin

Q.29: Which of the following precautions should be kept in mind while preparing a
temporary slide of an epidermal peel of a leaf.?
I Wash off extra stain with distilled water
II Clean slide and cover slip before use
III Put only drop of glycerine on the cover slip
IV Pull out a thin leaf peel
V Use filter paper to wipe the stained peel.
1. I, II, III
2. I, II, IV
3. III, IV, V
4. II, IV, V

Q.30: An apparatus was set up to show that germinating seeds release carbon-dioxide
during respiration. Which observation out of the following should be made to
get correct results?
1. Carefully observe if there is any change in the size of germinating seeds.
2. See if the KoH in the test tube has absorbed CO2 released by germinating
3. Check the change in the level of water present in the beaker.
4. Check if CO2 is coming into the delivery tube.

Q.31Nuclei can be clearly seen in a well prepared slide of epidermal peel of a leaf in
1. guard cells only
2. eqidermal cells only
3. guard cells as well as epidermal cells
4. stomata, guard cells and epidermal cells.

Q.32 To set up the experiment to show that light is necessary for photosynthesis,
experimental leaves should be taken for use from
1. any flowering plant
2. newly emerged sapling
3. destarched potted plant
4. healthy plant growing on the ground.

Q.33: The seeds used in the experiment to show that CO2 is given out during
respiration are
1. dry seeds
2. boiled seeds
3. crushed seeds
4. germinating seeds.

Q.34: Under the high power objective of a microscope, an epidermal peel of a leaf
1. stomata surrounding many guard cells
2. stomata surrounded by a pair of guard cells each.
3. stomata surrounded by several epidermal cells.
4. stomata surrounded by several guard cells each.

Q.35: A slide showing several amoebae was given to a student and was asked to focus
the amoeba undergoing binary fission. What will the student look for to correctly
focus on a dividing amoeba?
1. An amoeba with many pseudopodia and a small nucleus.
2. A rounded amoeba with rounded nucleus.
3. An amoeba covered by a cyst and many nuclei
4. An amoeba with elongated nucleus and a constriction in the middle.